Translating Research into Practice – How confident are Allied Health Clinicians?

Mrs Sally E Barrimore1, Dr Ashley E Cameron2,3, Dr Adrienne M Young4, Dr Ingrid J Hickman5,6, A/Prof Katrina L  Campbell1,6

1Allied Health Services, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Australia, 2Clinical Support Services, Metro South Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Australia, 3Department of Speech Pathology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, 4Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, 5Mater Research Institute – University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 6Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

Translating research into practice (TRIP) is a multi-step process of implementing widespread clinical practice change to align with the best available scientific evidence. This study aims to determine confidence levels to translate research into practice amongst Allied Health (AH) clinicians. A quantitative questionnaire with face validity was disseminated across 12 sites in metropolitan hospital and health service districts in Queensland, Australia. The questionnaire collected demographic information, awareness of TRIP and confidence with various aspects of TRIP using a 100mm visual analogue scale. Association between confidence and respondent demographics including site and years’ experience was also assessed. Questionnaires were completed by 374 AH clinicians (67% at senior/management level, 52% with 10+yrs experience, 18% prior TRIP training). Moderate confidence was reported for identifying an evidence practice gap (median 70, IQR 50-80), finding relevant literature or evidence (median 67, IQR 40-84), and sharing this evidence with colleagues (median 70, IQR 50-85). Clinicians were much less confident in choosing a theoretical approach or TRIP framework (median 20, IQR 3-50), implementing a practice change (median 40, IQR 15-61), assessing barriers and enablers (median 50, IQR 25-70) and supporting less experienced clinicians undertaking TRIP (median 42, IQR 14-68). There was a weak positive correlation between years of experience and confidence of implementing practice change based on TRIP (rho = .127, p = .017). Majority of respondents (89%, n = 333) reported interest in learning more about TRIP. The results of this questionnaire indicated that AH clinicians were interested in TRIP but had low confidence in implementing research into practice. These findings will be used in the expansion of an AH TRIP training and support program, with the purpose of developing an AH workforce that is skilled and confident in TRIP to improve the quality of health service delivery.


Dr Ashley Cameron graduated with a Bachelor of Psychology from the Queensland University of Technology in 2007 and a Masters of Speech Pathology Studies from the University of Queensland in 2009. In 2018 she completed her PhD at the University of Queensland where she investigated approaches to enhance the participation of individuals with acquired communication difficulties in the healthcare setting. Ashley has worked at the Princess Alexandra Hospital since 2010 and has a specialised focus in neurosciences and the translation of clinical research.
