Workforce Profiles Project – A new method for collecting allied health workforce data and identifying workforce trends

Mr David McCallum1

1Chief Allied Health Office, Western Australian Department of Health, Perth, Australia

The Chief Allied Health Office (CAHO) provides strategic advice for 26 professions in the Western Australian (WA) allied health (AH) workforce.  The CAHO has a broad systems role in identifying trends in the delivery of the AH services and workforce across WA.   The CAHO also collaborates with area health services and AH professionals to facilitate a safe, effective, and efficient health system.

Despite making up more than a quarter of the Australian health workforce, there continues to be little known about AH workforce nationally. The limited availability of allied health workforce data continues to impact on workforce planning.

In 2019/20 the CAHO undertook a Workforce Profiles project which sought to develop workforce data collection and monitoring methods that could be used to identify key demographics, supply pathways and trends in the WA AH workforce that could be used to support the CAHO in providing strategic advice and ensuring a sustainable AH workforce.  From this two-page summaries were developed for each of the AH professions which summarised their demographics, supply pathways and trends.

The proposed poster would provide a summary of the AH Workforce Profiles project and the WA Health AH workforce, as well as an example of one of these summaries.


David McCallum is a Senior Policy Officer within the Western Australian Chief Allied Health Office.  In this role, he provides evaluation and analysis for the development of policy and programs and supports the development and implementation of strategic projects for the Chief Allied Health Officer.  David is also a Physiotherapist and has worked in both the public and private sectors.
