Developing and implementing a single organisation-wide inter-professional student experience survey and performance dashboard

Ms Andrea Verde1, Mr Rob LoPresti1, Ms Kathy Maggs1, Ms Shirley Burke1, Ms Jessica Walters1, Dr Christopher Leung1, Mr Peter Carty2

1Clinical Education Unit, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia, 2Business Intelligence unit, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia

Feedback on student’s placement experience is important but can be challenging. At Austin Health, paper-based processes, questions and governance varied significantly. To facilitate a positive learning culture, understanding student experiences of clinical placements across the organisation is required.

This project involved four key phases:

  • Development of a single organisation-wide survey.
    An Interprofessional group reviewed all current evaluations. These were compared with the Best Practice Clinical Learning Environment (BPCLE) questions. 20 questions were selected.
  • Implement a uniform process.
    An online SurveyMonkey was embedded as part of a program delivered to all Austin Health students’.
  • Create a user-friendly reporting dashboard.
    The Clinical Education Unit partnered with Austin Health’s Business Intelligence Unit (BIU) to create a Clinical Experience Dashboard. This dashboard provides users with a visual indicator (traffic light system) to view performance. A drill down function allows de-identified data to be accessed by all.
  • Embed data review in key forums and processes.
    Training tools were created to improve student participation and stakeholder knowledge of the dashboard. Completion rates and yearly summary data reports were monitored and fed-back to stakeholders.

778 student responses have been gathered across 16 different disciplines as of 31-12-19 for the 2019 academic year. Austin Health provides an environment where 90% of students feel valued and 91% of students stated they were very satisfied/satisfied with their placement.

The implementation of a unified inter-professional survey and reporting framework has allowed organisational oversight on student experience for the first time and embedded the practice of regular evaluation.


Andrea Verde

Allied Health Clinical Educator (sciences)

With over ten years experience in the Victorian health sector, Andrea has a passion for robust staff education and learning opportunities that support them to provide high quality patient care.

As the Allied Health educator (sciences) at Austin Health, Andrea works with the sciences to implement evidence-based learning opportunities, utilising her Masters’ of Clinical Education qualification.
