2013 NAHC Posters


Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Attending authors are asked to attend their poster during the lunch on Thursday 17th October or Friday 18th October to discuss the poster with other delegates.

ODD numbered posters will be presented during lunch on Thursday 17th October
EVEN numbered posteres will be presented during lunch on Friday 18th October

1 Students’ perceptions of regional and rural allied health clinical placement quality
Veronique Anderson, Dominic Mawn, Jayne Kirkpatrick, Karen Bruggemann, Yvonne Watts, Linda Furness
2 Striving for health equity in small regional hospitals using telehealth to deliver dietetic services
Rhonda Anderson
3 Are generic resources for Allied Health Assistants in rural settings possible?
Lauren Arthurson, Merrin Prictor, Alicia Cunningham
4 Establishing a palliative music therapy service in the hospital: Personalising end of life care for oncology patients and families
Belinda Ayres
5 Clinical handover – From policy to practice
Sarah Bailey, Samara Phillips, Ruth Cox
6 AHPEP – educating the allied health workforce through clinical placements since 2000
Katie Bauer, Melinda Stone
7 Development of an occupational therapy needs assessment tool
Michelle Bennett, Kym Murphy, Michelle Watson, Daniel Lowrie, Tilley Pain
8 Fast-tracking sustainable discharge from the emergency department: Implementation of a subacute allied health service
Marguerite Bennetts, Doug Murtagh
9 Innovating outcomes for adults attending alternative to employment programmes: A role for occupational therapy
Carly Bloomfield, Janet Richmond, Ruth Marquis
10 Withdrawn
11 Validity of malnutrition screening tools for adult rehabilitation patients
Loretta Bufalino, Joanne McKinstry, Maria Apostolides, Jennifer Sequeira, Elizabeth Few, Catherine Higgins
12 Pilot speech pathology telehealth service for head and neck cancer patient support
Clare Burns, Elizabeth Ward, Anne Hill, Karen Malcolm, Lynell Bassett, Lizbeth Kenny, Phillip Greenup
13 Celebrating increased food service patient satisfaction with the Queensland health nutrition standards for meals and menus
Clare Byrne, Michelle Palmer
14 ‘Tools of Trade’ TOT a non-traditional approach to men’s shed development. Featuring health: as a contemporary new partner
Bruce Campbell, Melissa Koch
15 Development of ePET (ePharmacy Education and Training): A statewide pharmacy specific online training site
Ann Carter, Shelley Crowther
16 Store Walk’n’Talks: an innovative approach to nutrition education in a remote Aboriginal community
Erin Cassells, Hilary Jimmieson, Judith Aliakbari, Derlene Gray, Carolyn Keogh
17 Allied health within a complex adaptive system
Martin Chadwick
18 Improving health literacy for parents accessing child development services: A model for information use
Winnie Cheung, Jeanette Davey, Carmen Bydeveldt, Winsome St John
19 Exploring the benefits and challenges of an innovative fee-for-service program within a not-for-profit organisation
Karen Bolger
20 Evaluating the effectiveness of the oncology needs assessment tool in identification of outpatient needs for multidisciplinary health services
Amy Chiu, Vanessa Cobham
21 The challenges and enablers for implementing experienced based co-design as a quality improvement approach
Kate Cranwell, Jacinta Roberton
22 The development of a mentorship role for occupational therapists within an acute setting
Rebecca Donnelly, Meagan Elder
23 Nutrition assistant delegation: An innovative model for increasing nutrition surveillance and management of ‘at risk’ patients
Kristen Demedio, Jennifer Hall, Rebecca Moore
24 One fine day for paediatric pharmacists – A time and motion study
Anna Durance, Heidi Wong, Nicolette Graham
25 TeamUp educational intervention: Development of an educational resource for educators to teach teamwork skills
Alaina Evanson, Jennieffer Barr
26 Sensory sensitivities in children with feeding difficulties: An interdisciplinary team approach
Nadine Frederiksen, Pamela Dodrill, Jeanne Marshall, Jenny Ziviani
27 Motivating new graduate professional learning: Pilot of a clinical learning framework
Cate Fitzgerald
28 Motivating learning and innovation with assistive technology for people with progressive neurological diseases
Millissa Fromer, Janet Mostovoy, Orla Foster, Rosanne Gibb
29 Queensland physiotherapy placement collaborative and the Queensland central allocation process
Mark Gooding, Linda Blackwell, Ruth Dunwoodie, Garry Kirwan, Paul Miller, Nikki Milne, Meg Moller, Aya Pellatt, Rod Stuart
30 A 3D virtual medical imaging CT suite: Innovation in education 
Therese Gunn, Pete Bridge, Clare Berry, Vicki Braithwaite, Gaynor Mahoney, Pam Rowntree, Debbie Starkey, Kelly Wilson-Stewart
31 Better prepared, better placement: An online resource to prepare allied health students and supervisors for clinical placement
Sandra Grace, Keri Moore
32 Development and trial of a 12-month multidisciplinary clinical measurements graduate training framework
Megan Harbourne, Stephanie Van Ballegooyen, Chris Brown, Tilley Pain
33 Challenges faced in developing a validated satisfaction survey for students completing nutrition and dietetics (N&D) clinical placements
Nicky Haron, Angela Vivanti, Rhiannon Barnes
34 Kickstarting your research: a one day workshop for aspiring practitioner researchers
Desley Harvey, Alison Pighills
35 An interprofessional education program for allied health new graduates
Jacinta Hayes, Samantha Sevenhuysen
36 Withdrawn
37 Innovative approaches to clinical education in Evolve Therapeutic Services
Linda Furness, Kaylee Venter, Jackie Wright
38 Can involvement in a store badging program increase engagement of indigenous youth?
Hilary Jimmieson, Erin Cassells, Judith Aliakbari, Derlene Gray, Carolyn Keogh
39 Mealtimes on the oncology ward: Identifying opportunities to eat, walk and engage
Lisa Jolliffe, Adrienne Young, Prue McRae, Alison Mudge, Kelli Malone
40 Supervision, Training and Readiness (STAR) Program; an interdisciplinary approach to building clinical supervision capacity 
Phillippa James, Grainne O’Loughlin
41 Clinical placements in a telesupervision model: Student and educators views
Yvonne Kane, Anne Hill, Lucinda Chipchase, Ruth Dunwoodie
42 Growing a simulated learning framework for paediatric allied health
Kristine Kelly, Meg Moller, Allison Mandrusiak, Sarah Wright
43 Withdrawn
44 Interdisciplinary persistent pain management program – A twelve-month review
Hannah Kennedy
45 The disappearing waiting list: Improving access to services through complete service redesign
Alexandra Little
46 Innovation in service models for eating disorders in child and youth mental health
Richard Litster, Karen Dawson, Tania Withington, Ingrid Wagner
47 Improving the care of the elderly through an oral health education program for nursing staff
Christine Mamo, Louisa Lunn, Nicholas Brennan
48 Governance framework for professional practice in allied health
Donna Markham, Kathleen Phillip, Jill Walsh
49 Leisure therapy – A new service in the Queensland spinal injuries unit
Kate Martin, Glenda Price, Ruth Cox
50 Challenging risk appetite in allied health
Kerry May, Deb Mitchell, Fiona McAlinden
51 Developing an interdisciplinary model of care in rehabilitation and aged care services: New building, new opportunities
Fiona McAlinden, Michelle O’Rourke
52 Knowledge exchange, primary health care and allied health – The role of the primary health care research and information service
Ellen McIntyre, Jodie Oliver-Baxter, Lynsey Brown
53 Clinical supervision models used in allied health at a regional health service
Narelle McPhee, Marcus Gardner, Angela Crombie
54 Problem based learning – The real life experience
Kerstin McPherson
55 Eat walk engage: Working together for better care of elders
Prue McRae, Alison Mudge, Mark Cruickshank
56 What is the evidence around how to best support new graduates?
Nadine Ninness, Mary Whitehead
57 Design of a quality improvement framework to revolutionise quality in a busy occupational therapy department
Katherine O’Shea, Jenny Nel
58 Discovering performance skills for motorised mobility scooter use
Casey Overste, Lois Moir, Janet Richmond, Jeannine Millsteed
59 Your online colleague – Evidence-based subject guides
Christopher Parker
60 Innovation: Working in partnerships to provide perinatal mental health treatment and support to families in rural communities
Katie Peterson, Amanda Finn, Fiona Little
61 Education model for palliative care: An interdisciplinary approach
Linh Pham, Renae Majcen
62 Patient’s experiences of receiving an Allied Health professional skill sharing model of care: A qualitative study
Alison Pighills, Michelle Bradford, Desley Harvey, David Plummer
63 Hunter Medicare Local- Delivering multidisciplinary education to meet local health providers’ needs
Aimee Prosser, Rick Naylor, Lisa Craig
64 Client-led visual goal-setting in a sub-acute rehabilitation unit
Sarah Raffell
65 Video-based telehealth: Current and potential use of videoconsultation by allied health professionals
Melissa Raven, Petra Bywood
66 Students attitudes towards working with older people – The Placement Rotation in Aged Care (PRAC) project
Helen Redfern, Suzette Fox
67 Adults with disabilities – A cross sector collaboration
Helen Redfern, Christine Cotter, Mary Fenn
68 Celebrate collaboration! Implementation of new standardised new standardised parenteral nutrition formulas in a tertiary paediatric hospital
Lana Steward-Harrison, Ashlee Aitken, Lyn Robinson, Julia Fox, Looi Ee
69 Engaging our workforce early
Julie-Anne Ross, Julie Connell
70 Supporting allied health professionals to contribute to better patient outcomes through an interprofessional capability development framework
Julie-Anne Ross, Cate Fitzgerald, Julie Connell, Gail Gordon
71 QH spirometry training program – Promoting lung health in Queensland
Irene Schneider, Andrew Coates
72 High risk foot training in Western Australia: Making a difference
Deborah Schoen, Sandra Thompson
73 Evaluating inpatients’ satisfaction with allied health services: a series of surveys at a rehabilitation centre
Kate Roberts
74 A journey in self management and sustainability for communication impaired stroke survivors
Susan Scholtz
75 Exploring the impact of mealtime assistance and interruptions on nutritional intake of vascular surgical inpatients
Amy Scott, Adrienne Young, Lisa Joliffe, Prue McRae, Alison Mudge
76 Developing an interprofessional curriculum from the ground up – The process
Cindy Sealey, Beverly Raasch
77 An investigation into the enablers and barriers to physiotherapy clinical placements within Queensland’s public health system
Kassie Shardlow, Peter Tonks, Mark Gooding, Rod Stuart
78 Well equipped for palliative care. A review and evaluation of the aids and equipment utilised and accessed by the clinicians at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem (CHCB) to best support individuals with palliative and neuropalliative conditions
Ruth Skene, Sarah Solomon, Jill Loveland
79 Exercise and the treatment of depression – A critical analysis of recent reviews
Robert Stanton, Peter Reaburn, Brenda Happell
80 Is more intensive better? Intensive versus standard therapy for functional dysphonia
Penny Stabler, Rachel Wenke, Leah Coman, Chloe Walton, Melissa Lawrie, John O’Neill, Elizabeth Cardell, Deborah Theodoros
81 The value of workforce profiling
Catherine Stephens, Julie Hulcomb
82 The smart assistive technology revolution
Wendy Stevens
83 The implementation of a sustainable student led role in an acute care setting: A review
Vicky Stirling
84 Education targeted at developing managerial skills within our senior allied health workforce
Tamica Sturgess
85 Withdrawn
86 Assessment, management and support of people living in situations of domestic squalor in regional Queensland
Rebecca Torkington, Alison Maynard, Jennie Whitely, Angela Atherton, Leianne Elms
87 Pillar pain post open carpal tunnel release: characteristics, assessment, and occupational implications
Alta-Mari van Huyssteen, Janet Richmond, Rachel McKay
88 The causes of their death appear (unto our shame perpetual)
Lil Vrklevski, Leanne McKechnie
89 A mapping of allied health service capacity for maternity and neonatal services across southern Queensland
Shelley Wilkinson, Leyanne Duncan, Catherine Barrett, Robin Turnbull, Sally McCray
90 Participatory action research of knowledge translation in occupational therapy 
Mary Whitehead, Elizabeth Caldwell, Sally Bennett, Jennifer Fleming